Get your head out of the freezer...

Your Answer's In The Fridge!

Learn about your shifting nutritional needs and how to support your move into menopause

Download your free guide and get started!

menopause can feel like this?!?

Get your head out of the freezer...

Your Answer's In The Fridge!

Learn about your shifting nutritional needs and how to support your move into menopause

Learn about your shifting nutritional needs and how to support your move into menopause

Download your free guide and get started!


Hormone Whisperer Nutrition Quickstart

Will Help You find functional freedom through food.

Understand The Changes

Understand the hormonal changes happening as you shift into menopause

Gain Nutritional Insight

Gain clarity on what to eat and what NOT to eat to support your changing body

Access Tools

Access tools, knowledge, and resources to overcome the struggles of managing menopause

In the GUIDE...

part one

Why Haven't Doctors Helped Me?

Doctors have limited understanding and training on menopause and its impact. Learn what changes during each menopausal stage and how those changes impact your body, your mind, and your health. Gain insight into why your body changes the way that it does

part two

Manage Symptoms With Food

Solve the mystery of your changing body and begin managing your symptoms using food and mindfulness. Move through the symptoms without hormone replacement

part three

The Quickstart Guide

The Hormone Whisperer Quickstart is a 5-day guide to exploring how foods interact with your body, your brain, and your hormones. Gain clarity about your symptoms and tangible tools to support your system


Meal Prep Checklist

The Menopause Reset Quickstart comes complete with recipes, a grocery list to make shopping a breeze! The Quickstart also comes with meal prep suggestions to make your reset simple!


Success Boosters!

The Menopause Reset Quickstart is tough, but you're tougher! The guide contains tips and tricks to keep you going towards your goal! I'll also email you each day while you complete the reset with additional

Meet Jewly

Jewly Warren gracefully guides you into and through menopause so you don't have to deal with the confusion alone.

Drawing from her personal experiences with healing through nutrition, Jewly works with her clients to create personalized solutions to healing hormonal heartaches.

Jewly is a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor passionate about helping people understand their bodies and holistically healing through optimizing nutrition, movement, sleep, and mental wellness.

Jewly is also a certified massage therapist, educator and birth doula. She spends her free time hiking with Rockford, her therapy dog and experimenting in the kitchen. - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions